RewriteExceptAll Logical Optimization Rule — Rewriting Except (ALL) Operators

RewriteExceptAll is a Catalyst rule for transforming logical plans (i.e. Rule[LogicalPlan]).

When executed, RewriteExceptAll transforms an Except (ALL) logical operator to…​FIXME

RewriteExceptAll requires that the number of columns of the left- and right-side of the Except operator are the same or throws an AssertionError.

RewriteExceptAll is a part of the Replace Operators fixed-point rule batch of the base Catalyst Optimizer.

Demo: RewriteExceptAll
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._

// Using hacks to disable two Catalyst DSL implicits
implicit def symbolToColumn(ack: ThatWasABadIdea) = ack
implicit class StringToColumn(val sc: StringContext) {}

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.LocalRelation
val t1 = LocalRelation(', '
val t2 = LocalRelation(', ''C > 10)

val plan = t1.except(t2, isAll = true)

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.RewriteExceptAll
val optimizedPlan = RewriteExceptAll(plan)
scala> println(optimizedPlan.numberedTreeString)
00 'Project [a#20, b#21]
01 +- 'Generate replicaterows(sum#27L, a#20, b#21), false, [a#20, b#21]
02    +- 'Filter (sum#27L > 0)
03       +- 'Aggregate [a#20, b#21], [a#20, b#21, sum(vcol#24L) AS sum#27L]
04          +- 'Union
05             :- Project [1 AS vcol#24L, a#20, b#21]
06             :  +- LocalRelation <empty>, [a#20, b#21]
07             +- 'Project [-1 AS vcol#25L, C#22, D#23]
08                +- 'Filter ('C > 10)
09                   +- LocalRelation <empty>, [C#22, D#23]

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    No results matching ""