DescribeTableCommand Logical Command

DescribeTableCommand is a logical command that executes a DESCRIBE TABLE SQL statement.

DescribeTableCommand is created exclusively when SparkSqlAstBuilder is requested to parse DESCRIBE TABLE SQL statement (with no column specified).

DescribeTableCommand uses the following output schema:

  • col_name as the name of the column

  • data_type as the data type of the column

  • comment as the comment of the column


// DESC view
scala> sql("DESC EXTENDED demo").show
|      id|   bigint|   null|

// DESC table
// Make the demo reproducible
  db = "default",
  table = "bucketed",
  ignoreIfNotExists = true,
  purge = true)
spark.range(10).write.bucketBy(5, "id").saveAsTable("bucketed")

// EXTENDED to include Detailed Table Information
// Note no partitions used
// Could also be FORMATTED
scala> sql("DESC EXTENDED bucketed").show(numRows = 50, truncate = false)
|col_name                    |data_type                                                                    |comment|
|id                          |bigint                                                                       |null   |
|                            |                                                                             |       |
|# Detailed Table Information|                                                                             |       |
|Database                    |default                                                                      |       |
|Table                       |bucketed                                                                     |       |
|Owner                       |jacek                                                                        |       |
|Created Time                |Sun Sep 30 20:57:22 CEST 2018                                                |       |
|Last Access                 |Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970                                                 |       |
|Created By                  |Spark 2.3.1                                                                  |       |
|Type                        |MANAGED                                                                      |       |
|Provider                    |parquet                                                                      |       |
|Num Buckets                 |5                                                                            |       |
|Bucket Columns              |[`id`]                                                                       |       |
|Sort Columns                |[]                                                                           |       |
|Table Properties            |[transient_lastDdlTime=1538333842]                                           |       |
|Statistics                  |3740 bytes                                                                   |       |
|Location                    |file:/Users/jacek/dev/apps/spark-2.3.1-bin-hadoop2.7/spark-warehouse/bucketed|       |
|Serde Library               |org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe                           |       |
|InputFormat                 |org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat                             |       |
|OutputFormat                |                    |       |
|Storage Properties          |[serialization.format=1]                                                     |       |

// Make the demo reproducible
val tableName = "partitioned_bucketed_sorted"
val partCol = "part"
  db = "default",
  table = tableName,
  ignoreIfNotExists = true,
  purge = true)
  .withColumn("part", $"id" % 2) // extra column for partitions
  .bucketBy(5, "id")
scala> sql(s"DESC EXTENDED $tableName").show(numRows = 50, truncate = false)
|col_name                    |data_type                                                                                       |comment|
|id                          |bigint                                                                                          |null   |
|part                        |bigint                                                                                          |null   |
|# Partition Information     |                                                                                                |       |
|# col_name                  |data_type                                                                                       |comment|
|part                        |bigint                                                                                          |null   |
|                            |                                                                                                |       |
|# Detailed Table Information|                                                                                                |       |
|Database                    |default                                                                                         |       |
|Table                       |partitioned_bucketed_sorted                                                                     |       |
|Owner                       |jacek                                                                                           |       |
|Created Time                |Mon Oct 01 10:05:32 CEST 2018                                                                   |       |
|Last Access                 |Thu Jan 01 01:00:00 CET 1970                                                                    |       |
|Created By                  |Spark 2.3.1                                                                                     |       |
|Type                        |MANAGED                                                                                         |       |
|Provider                    |parquet                                                                                         |       |
|Num Buckets                 |5                                                                                               |       |
|Bucket Columns              |[`id`]                                                                                          |       |
|Sort Columns                |[`id`]                                                                                          |       |
|Table Properties            |[transient_lastDdlTime=1538381132]                                                              |       |
|Location                    |file:/Users/jacek/dev/apps/spark-2.3.1-bin-hadoop2.7/spark-warehouse/partitioned_bucketed_sorted|       |
|Serde Library               |org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe                                              |       |
|InputFormat                 |org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat                                                |       |
|OutputFormat                |                                       |       |
|Storage Properties          |[serialization.format=1]                                                                        |       |
|Partition Provider          |Catalog                                                                                         |       |

scala> sql(s"DESCRIBE EXTENDED $tableName PARTITION ($partCol=1)").show(numRows = 50, truncate = false)
|col_name                        |data_type                                                                                                                      |comment|
|id                              |bigint                                                                                                                         |null   |
|part                            |bigint                                                                                                                         |null   |
|# Partition Information         |                                                                                                                               |       |
|# col_name                      |data_type                                                                                                                      |comment|
|part                            |bigint                                                                                                                         |null   |
|                                |                                                                                                                               |       |
|# Detailed Partition Information|                                                                                                                               |       |
|Database                        |default                                                                                                                        |       |
|Table                           |partitioned_bucketed_sorted                                                                                                    |       |
|Partition Values                |[part=1]                                                                                                                       |       |
|Location                        |file:/Users/jacek/dev/apps/spark-2.3.1-bin-hadoop2.7/spark-warehouse/partitioned_bucketed_sorted/part=1                        |       |
|Serde Library                   |org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe                                                                             |       |
|InputFormat                     |org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat                                                                               |       |
|OutputFormat                    |                                                                      |       |
|Storage Properties              |[path=file:/Users/jacek/dev/apps/spark-2.3.1-bin-hadoop2.7/spark-warehouse/partitioned_bucketed_sorted, serialization.format=1]|       |
|Partition Parameters            |{totalSize=1870, numFiles=5, transient_lastDdlTime=1538381329}                                                                 |       |
|Partition Statistics            |1870 bytes                                                                                                                     |       |
|                                |                                                                                                                               |       |
|# Storage Information           |                                                                                                                               |       |
|Num Buckets                     |5                                                                                                                              |       |
|Bucket Columns                  |[`id`]                                                                                                                         |       |
|Sort Columns                    |[`id`]                                                                                                                         |       |
|Location                        |file:/Users/jacek/dev/apps/spark-2.3.1-bin-hadoop2.7/spark-warehouse/partitioned_bucketed_sorted                               |       |
|Serde Library                   |org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe                                                                             |       |
|InputFormat                     |org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileInputFormat                                                                               |       |
|OutputFormat                    |                                                                      |       |
|Storage Properties              |[serialization.format=1]                                                                                                       |       |

Executing Logical Command — run Method

run(sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row]
run is part of the RunnableCommand Contract to execute (run) a logical command.

run uses the SessionCatalog (of the SessionState of the input SparkSession) and branches off per the type of the table to display.

For a temporary view, run requests the SessionCatalog to lookupRelation to access the schema and describeSchema.

For all other table types, run does the following:

Describing Detailed Partition and Storage Information — describeFormattedDetailedPartitionInfo Internal Method

  tableIdentifier: TableIdentifier,
  table: CatalogTable,
  partition: CatalogTablePartition,
  buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit

describeFormattedDetailedPartitionInfo simply adds the following entries (rows) to the input mutable buffer:

  1. A new line

  2. # Detailed Partition Information

  3. Database with the database of the given table

  4. Table with the table of the given tableIdentifier

  5. Partition specification (of the CatalogTablePartition)

  6. A new line

  7. # Storage Information

  8. Bucketing specification of the table (if defined)

  9. Storage specification of the table

describeFormattedDetailedPartitionInfo is used exclusively when DescribeTableCommand is requested to describeDetailedPartitionInfo with a non-empty partitionSpec and the isExtended flag on.

Describing Detailed Table Information — describeFormattedTableInfo Internal Method

describeFormattedTableInfo(table: CatalogTable, buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit


describeFormattedTableInfo is used exclusively when DescribeTableCommand is requested to run for a non-temporary table and the isExtended flag on.

describeDetailedPartitionInfo Internal Method

  tableIdentifier: TableIdentifier,
  table: CatalogTable,
  partition: CatalogTablePartition,
  buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit


describeDetailedPartitionInfo is used exclusively when DescribeTableCommand is requested to run with a non-empty partitionSpec.

Creating DescribeTableCommand Instance

DescribeTableCommand takes the following when created:

  • TableIdentifier

  • TablePartitionSpec

  • isExtended flag

DescribeTableCommand initializes the internal registries and counters.

describeSchema Internal Method

  schema: StructType,
  buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row],
  header: Boolean): Unit


describeSchema is used when…​FIXME

Describing Partition Information — describePartitionInfo Internal Method

describePartitionInfo(table: CatalogTable, buffer: ArrayBuffer[Row]): Unit


describePartitionInfo is used when…​FIXME

results matching ""

    No results matching ""