AbstractSqlParser — Base SQL Parsing Infrastructure

AbstractSqlParser is the base of ParserInterfaces that use an AstBuilder to parse SQL statements and convert them to Spark SQL entities, i.e. DataType, StructType, Expression, LogicalPlan and TableIdentifier.

AbstractSqlParser is the foundation of the SQL parsing infrastructure.

package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser

abstract class AbstractSqlParser extends ParserInterface {
  // only required properties (vals and methods) that have no implementation
  // the others follow
  def astBuilder: AstBuilder
Table 1. AbstractSqlParser Contract
Method Description


AstBuilder for parsing SQL statements.

Used in all the parse methods, i.e. parseDataType, parseExpression, parsePlan, parseTableIdentifier, and parseTableSchema.

Table 2. AbstractSqlParser’s Implementations
Name Description


The default SQL parser in SessionState available as sqlParser property.

val spark: SparkSession = ...


Creates a DataType or a StructType (schema) from their canonical string representation.

Setting Up SqlBaseLexer and SqlBaseParser for Parsing — parse Method

parse[T](command: String)(toResult: SqlBaseParser => T): T

parse sets up a proper ANTLR parsing infrastructure with SqlBaseLexer and SqlBaseParser (which are the ANTLR-specific classes of Spark SQL that are auto-generated at build time from the SqlBase.g4 grammar).

Review the definition of ANTLR grammar for Spark SQL in sql/catalyst/src/main/antlr4/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/parser/SqlBase.g4.

Internally, parse first prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

INFO SparkSqlParser: Parsing command: [command]
Enable INFO logging level for the custom AbstractSqlParser, i.e. SparkSqlParser or CatalystSqlParser, to see the above INFO message.

parse then creates and sets up a SqlBaseLexer and SqlBaseParser that in turn passes the latter on to the input toResult function where the parsing finally happens.

parse uses SLL prediction mode for parsing first before falling back to LL mode.

In case of parsing errors, parse reports a ParseException.

parse is used in all the parse methods, i.e. parseDataType, parseExpression, parsePlan, parseTableIdentifier, and parseTableSchema.

parseDataType Method

parseDataType(sqlText: String): DataType
parseDataType is part of ParserInterface Contract to…​FIXME.


parseExpression Method

parseExpression(sqlText: String): Expression
parseExpression is part of ParserInterface Contract to…​FIXME.


parseFunctionIdentifier Method

parseFunctionIdentifier(sqlText: String): FunctionIdentifier
parseFunctionIdentifier is part of ParserInterface Contract to…​FIXME.


parseTableIdentifier Method

parseTableIdentifier(sqlText: String): TableIdentifier
parseTableIdentifier is part of ParserInterface Contract to…​FIXME.


parseTableSchema Method

parseTableSchema(sqlText: String): StructType
parseTableSchema is part of ParserInterface Contract to…​FIXME.


parsePlan Method

parsePlan(sqlText: String): LogicalPlan
parsePlan is part of ParserInterface Contract to…​FIXME.

parsePlan creates a LogicalPlan for a given SQL textual statement.

Internally, parsePlan builds a SqlBaseParser and requests AstBuilder to parse a single SQL statement.

If a SQL statement could not be parsed, parsePlan throws a ParseException:

Unsupported SQL statement

results matching ""

    No results matching ""