AlterViewAsCommand Logical Command

AlterViewAsCommand is a logical command for ALTER VIEW SQL statement to alter a view.

AlterViewAsCommand works with a table identifier (as TableIdentifier), the original SQL text, and a LogicalPlan for the SQL query.

AlterViewAsCommand is described by alterViewQuery labeled alternative in statement expression in SqlBase.g4 and parsed using SparkSqlParser.

When executed, AlterViewAsCommand attempts to alter a temporary view in the current SessionCatalog first, and if that "fails", alters the permanent view.

Executing Logical Command — run Method

run(session: SparkSession): Seq[Row]
run is part of RunnableCommand Contract to execute (run) a logical command.


alterPermanentView Internal Method

alterPermanentView(session: SparkSession, analyzedPlan: LogicalPlan): Unit


alterPermanentView is used when…​FIXME

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