// DEMO to_date(e: Column): Column
// DEMO to_date(e: Column, fmt: String): Column
ParseToDate Expression
is a RuntimeReplaceable expression that represents the to_date function (in logical query plans).
As a RuntimeReplaceable
expression, ParseToDate
is replaced by Catalyst Optimizer with the child expression:
Cast(left, DateType)
forto_date(e: Column): Column
function -
Cast(Cast(UnixTimestamp(left, format), TimestampType), DateType)
forto_date(e: Column, fmt: String): Column
// FIXME DEMO Conversion to `Cast(left, DateType)`
// FIXME DEMO Conversion to `Cast(Cast(UnixTimestamp(left, format), TimestampType), DateType)`
Creating ParseToDate Instance
takes the following when created:
Left expression
expression -
Child expression