
Column represents a column in a Dataset that holds a Catalyst Expression that produces a value per row.

A Column is a value generator for every row in a Dataset.

A special column * references all columns in a Dataset.

With the implicits converstions imported, you can create "free" column references using Scala’s symbols.

val spark: SparkSession = ...
import spark.implicits._

import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
scala> val nameCol: Column = 'name
nameCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = name
"Free" column references are Columns with no association to a Dataset.

You can also create free column references from $-prefixed strings.

// Note that $ alone creates a ColumnName
scala> val idCol = $"id"
idCol: org.apache.spark.sql.ColumnName = id

import org.apache.spark.sql.Column

// The target type triggers the implicit conversion to Column
scala> val idCol: Column = $"id"
idCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = id

Beside using the implicits conversions, you can create columns using col and column functions.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

scala> val nameCol = col("name")
nameCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = name

scala> val cityCol = column("city")
cityCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = city

Finally, you can create a bound Column using the Dataset the column is supposed to be part of using Dataset.apply factory method or Dataset.col operator.

You can use bound Column references only with the Datasets they have been created from.
scala> val textCol = dataset.col("text")
textCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = text

scala> val idCol = dataset.apply("id")
idCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = id

scala> val idCol = dataset("id")
idCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = id

You can reference nested columns using . (dot).

Table 1. Column Operators
Operator Description


Specifying type hint about the expected return value of the column



Column has a reference to Catalyst’s Expression it was created for using expr method.

scala> window('time, "5 seconds").expr
res0: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression = timewindow('time, 5000000, 5000000, 0) AS window#1
Read about typed column references in TypedColumn Expressions.

Specifying Type Hint — as Operator

as[U : Encoder]: TypedColumn[Any, U]

as creates a TypedColumn (that gives a type hint about the expected return value of the column).

scala> $"id".as[Int]
res1: org.apache.spark.sql.TypedColumn[Any,Int] = id

name Operator

name(alias: String): Column


name is used when…​FIXME

Adding Column to Dataset — withColumn Method

withColumn(colName: String, col: Column): DataFrame

withColumn method returns a new DataFrame with the new column col with colName name added.

withColumn can replace an existing colName column.
scala> val df = Seq((1, "jeden"), (2, "dwa")).toDF("number", "polish")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [number: int, polish: string]

|     1| jeden|
|     2|   dwa|

scala> df.withColumn("polish", lit(1)).show
|     1|     1|
|     2|     1|

You can add new columns do a Dataset using withColumn method.

val spark: SparkSession = ...
val dataset = spark.range(5)

// Add a new column called "group"
scala> dataset.withColumn("group", 'id % 2).show
| id|group|
|  0|    0|
|  1|    1|
|  2|    0|
|  3|    1|
|  4|    0|

Creating Column Instance For Catalyst Expression — apply Factory Method

val spark: SparkSession = ...
case class Word(id: Long, text: String)
val dataset = Seq(Word(0, "hello"), Word(1, "spark")).toDS

scala> val idCol = dataset.apply("id")
idCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = id

// or using Scala's magic a little bit
// the following is equivalent to the above explicit apply call
scala> val idCol = dataset("id")
idCol: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = id

like Operator

scala> df("id") like "0"
res0: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = id LIKE 0

scala> df.filter('id like "0").show
| id| text|
|  0|hello|

Symbols As Column Names

scala> val df = Seq((0, "hello"), (1, "world")).toDF("id", "text")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, text: string]

res0: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int]

| id|
|  0|
|  1|

Defining Windowing Column (Analytic Clause) — over Operator

over(): Column
over(window: WindowSpec): Column

over creates a windowing column (aka analytic clause) that allows to execute a aggregate function over a window (i.e. a group of records that are in some relation to the current record).

Read up on windowed aggregation in Spark SQL in Window Aggregate Functions.
scala> val overUnspecifiedFrame = $"someColumn".over()
overUnspecifiedFrame: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = someColumn OVER (UnspecifiedFrame)

import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Window
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.WindowSpec
val spec: WindowSpec = Window.rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.currentRow)
scala> val overRange = $"someColumn" over spec
overRange: org.apache.spark.sql.Column = someColumn OVER (RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW)

cast Operator

cast method casts a column to a data type. It makes for type-safe maps with Row objects of the proper type (not Any).

cast(to: String): Column
cast(to: DataType): Column

cast uses CatalystSqlParser to parse the data type from its canonical string representation.

cast Example

scala> val df = Seq((0f, "hello")).toDF("label", "text")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [label: float, text: string]

scala> df.printSchema
 |-- label: float (nullable = false)
 |-- text: string (nullable = true)

// without cast
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
scala>"label").map { case Row(label) => label.getClass.getName }.show(false)
|value          |

// with cast
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DoubleType
scala>"label").cast(DoubleType)).map { case Row(label) => label.getClass.getName }.show(false)
|value           |

generateAlias Method

generateAlias(e: Expression): String



generateAlias is used when:

  • Column is requested to named

  • RelationalGroupedDataset is requested to alias

named Method

named: NamedExpression



named is used when the following operators are used:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""