
KafkaOffsetRangeLimit is the desired offset range limits for starting, ending, and specific offsets.

Table 1. KafkaOffsetRangeLimits
KafkaOffsetRangeLimit Description


Bind to the earliest offset


Bind to the latest offset


Bind to specific offsets

Takes partitionOffsets (as Map[TopicPartition, Long]) when created.

KafkaOffsetRangeLimit is "created" (i.e. mapped to from a human-readable text representation) when KafkaSourceProvider is requested to getKafkaOffsetRangeLimit.

KafkaOffsetRangeLimit defines two constants to denote offset range limits that are resolved via Kafka:

  • -1L for the latest offset

  • -2L for the earliest offset

KafkaOffsetRangeLimit is a Scala sealed trait which means that all the extensions are in the same compilation unit (a single file).

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