SaveIntoDataSourceCommand Logical Command

SaveIntoDataSourceCommand is a logical command that, when executed, FIXME.

SaveIntoDataSourceCommand is created exclusively when DataSource is requested to create a logical command for writing (to a CreatableRelationProvider data source).

SaveIntoDataSourceCommand returns the logical query plan when requested for the inner nodes (that should be shown as an inner nested tree of this node).

// DEMO Example with inner nodes that should be shown as an inner nested tree of this node

val lines = Seq("SaveIntoDataSourceCommand").toDF("line")

// NOTE: There are two CreatableRelationProviders: jdbc and kafka
// jdbc is simpler to use in spark-shell as it does not need --packages
val url = "jdbc:derby:memory:;databaseName=/tmp/test;create=true"
val requiredOpts = Map("url" -> url, "dbtable" -> "lines")
// Use overwrite SaveMode to make the demo reproducible
import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode.Overwrite

// Go to web UI's SQL tab and see the last executed query

SaveIntoDataSourceCommand redacts the options for the simple description with state prefix.

SaveIntoDataSourceCommand [dataSource], [redacted], [mode]

Executing Logical Command — run Method

  sparkSession: SparkSession): Seq[Row]
run is part of RunnableCommand Contract to execute (run) a logical command.

In the end, run returns an empty Seq[Row] (just to follow the signature and please the Scala compiler).

Creating SaveIntoDataSourceCommand Instance

SaveIntoDataSourceCommand takes the following when created:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""