InsertIntoDir Unary Logical Operator

InsertIntoDir is a unary logical operator that represents INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY SQL statement.

InsertIntoDir is similar to InsertIntoTable logical operator.

InsertIntoDir can never be resolved (i.e. InsertIntoTable should not be part of a logical plan after analysis and is supposed to be converted to logical commands at analysis phase).

Table 1. InsertIntoDir’s Logical Resolutions (Conversions)
Logical Command Description


When HiveAnalysis logical resolution rule transforms InsertIntoDir with a Hive table


When DataSourceAnalysis logical resolution rule transforms InsertIntoDir with a Spark table

InsertIntoDir has no output columns.

Creating InsertIntoDir Instance

InsertIntoDir takes the following to be created:

results matching ""

    No results matching ""