Configuration Properties

Configuration properties are used to fine-tune Spark Structured Streaming applications.

You can set them for a SparkSession when it is created using config method.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession
  .config("spark.sql.streaming.metricsEnabled", true)
Read up on SparkSession in The Internals of Spark SQL book.
Table 1. Structured Streaming’s Properties
Name Description


(internal) Version of the state format

Default: 2

Supported values:

Used when StatefulAggregationStrategy execution planning strategy is executed (and plans a streaming query with an aggregate that simply boils down to creating a StateStoreRestoreExec with the proper implementation version of StreamingAggregationStateManager)

Among the checkpointed properties that are not supposed to be overriden after a streaming query has once been started (and could later recover from a checkpoint after being restarted)


(internal) CheckpointFileManager to use to write checkpoint files atomically

Default: FileContextBasedCheckpointFileManager (with FileSystemBasedCheckpointFileManager in case of unsupported file system used for storing metadata files)


Default checkpoint directory for storing checkpoint data

Default: (empty)


(internal) The size (measured in number of rows) of the queue used in continuous execution to buffer the results of a ContinuousDataReader.

Default: 1024


(internal) The interval (in millis) at which continuous execution readers will poll to check whether the epoch has advanced on the driver.

Default: 100 (ms)


(internal) A comma-separated list of fully-qualified class names of data source providers for which MicroBatchReadSupport is disabled. Reads from these sources will fall back to the V1 Sources.

Default: (empty)

Use SQLConf.disabledV2StreamingMicroBatchReaders to get the current value.


(internal) How long (in millis) a file is guaranteed to be visible for all readers.

Default: 10 (minutes)

Use SQLConf.fileSourceLogCleanupDelay to get the current value.


(internal) Number of log files after which all the previous files are compacted into the next log file.

Default: 10

Must be a positive value (greater than 0)

Use SQLConf.fileSourceLogCompactInterval to get the current value.


(internal) Whether to delete the expired log files in file stream source

Default: true

Use SQLConf.fileSourceLogDeletion to get the current value.


(internal) State format version used to create a StateManager for FlatMapGroupsWithStateExec physical operator

Default: 2

Supported values:

  • 1

  • 2

Among the checkpointed properties that are not supposed to be overriden after a streaming query has once been started (and could later recover from a checkpoint after being restarted)


(internal) The maximum number of batches which will be retained in memory to avoid loading from files.

Default: 2

Maximum count of versions a State Store implementation should retain in memory.

The value adjusts a trade-off between memory usage vs cache miss:

  • 2 covers both success and direct failure cases

  • 1 covers only success case

  • 0 or negative value disables cache to maximize memory size of executors

Used exclusively when HDFSBackedStateStoreProvider is requested to initialize.


Flag whether Dropwizard CodaHale metrics are reported for active streaming queries

Default: false

Use SQLConf.streamingMetricsEnabled to get the current value


(internal) The minimum number of entries to retain for failure recovery

Default: 100

Use SQLConf.minBatchesToRetain to get the current value


Global watermark policy that is the policy to calculate the global watermark value when there are multiple watermark operators in a streaming query

Default: min

Supported values:

  • min - chooses the minimum watermark reported across multiple operators

  • max - chooses the maximum across multiple operators

Cannot be changed between query restarts from the same checkpoint location.


Flag to control whether the streaming micro-batch engine should execute batches with no data to process for eager state management for stateful streaming queries (true) or not (false).

Default: true

Use SQLConf.streamingNoDataMicroBatchesEnabled to get the current value


(internal) How long to wait between two progress events when there is no data (in millis) when ProgressReporter is requested to finish a trigger

Default: 10000L

Use SQLConf.streamingNoDataProgressEventInterval to get the current value


Number of StreamingQueryProgresses to retain in progressBuffer internal registry when ProgressReporter is requested to update progress of streaming query

Default: 100

Use SQLConf.streamingProgressRetention to get the current value


(internal) How long (in millis) to delay StreamExecution before polls for new data when no data was available in a batch

Default: 10 (milliseconds)


The initial delay and how often to execute StateStore’s maintenance task.

Default: 60s


(internal) Minimum number of state store delta files that need to be generated before HDFSBackedStateStore will consider generating a snapshot (consolidate the deltas into a snapshot)

Default: 10

Use SQLConf.stateStoreMinDeltasForSnapshot to get the current value.


(internal) The fully-qualified class name of the StateStoreProvider implementation that manages state data in stateful streaming queries. This class must have a zero-arg constructor.

Use SQLConf.stateStoreProviderClass to get the current value.


(internal) When enabled (true), StreamingQueryManager makes sure that the logical plan of a streaming query uses supported operations only.

Default: true

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