StateStoreAwareZipPartitionsHelper — Extension Methods for Creating StateStoreAwareZipPartitionsRDD

StateStoreAwareZipPartitionsHelper is a Scala implicit class of a data RDD (of type RDD[T]) to create a StateStoreAwareZipPartitionsRDD for StreamingSymmetricHashJoinExec physical operator.

Implicit Classes are a language feature in Scala for implicit conversions with extension methods for existing types.

Creating StateStoreAwareZipPartitionsRDD — stateStoreAwareZipPartitions Method

stateStoreAwareZipPartitions[U: ClassTag, V: ClassTag](
  dataRDD2: RDD[U],
  stateInfo: StatefulOperatorStateInfo,
  storeNames: Seq[String],
  storeCoordinator: StateStoreCoordinatorRef
)(f: (Iterator[T], Iterator[U]) => Iterator[V]): RDD[V]

stateStoreAwareZipPartitions simply creates a new StateStoreAwareZipPartitionsRDD.

stateStoreAwareZipPartitions is used exclusively when StreamingSymmetricHashJoinExec physical operator is requested to execute and generate a recipe for a distributed computation (as an RDD[InternalRow]).

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