DataStreamReader — Loading Data from Streaming Source

DataStreamReader is the interface to describe how data is loaded to a streaming Dataset from a streaming source.

Table 1. DataStreamReader’s Methods
Method Description


csv(path: String): DataFrame

Sets csv as the format of the data source


format(source: String): DataStreamReader

Specifies the format of the data source

The format is used internally as the name (alias) of the streaming source to use to load the data


json(path: String): DataFrame

Sets json as the format of the data source


load(): DataFrame
load(path: String): DataFrame (1)
  1. Explicit path (that could also be specified as an option)

Creates a streaming DataFrame that represents "loading" streaming data (and is internally a logical plan with a StreamingRelationV2 or StreamingRelation leaf logical operators)


option(key: String, value: Boolean): DataStreamReader
option(key: String, value: Double): DataStreamReader
option(key: String, value: Long): DataStreamReader
option(key: String, value: String): DataStreamReader

Sets a loading option


options(options: Map[String, String]): DataStreamReader

Specifies the configuration options of a data source

You could use option method if you prefer specifying the options one by one or there is only one in use.


orc(path: String): DataFrame

Sets orc as the format of the data source


parquet(path: String): DataFrame

Sets parquet as the format of the data source


schema(schema: StructType): DataStreamReader
schema(schemaString: String): DataStreamReader (1)
  1. Uses a DDL-formatted table schema

Specifies the user-defined schema of the streaming data source (as a StructType or DDL-formatted table schema, e.g. a INT, b STRING)


text(path: String): DataFrame

Sets text as the format of the data source


textFile(path: String): Dataset[String]
DataStreamReader SparkSession StreamingRelation.png
Figure 1. DataStreamReader and The Others

DataStreamReader is used for a Spark developer to describe how Spark Structured Streaming loads datasets from a streaming source (that in the end creates a logical plan for a streaming query).

DataStreamReader is the Spark developer-friendly API to create a StreamingRelation logical operator (that represents a streaming source in a logical plan).

You can access DataStreamReader using SparkSession.readStream method.

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark: SparkSession = ...

val streamReader = spark.readStream

DataStreamReader supports many source formats natively and offers the interface to define custom formats:

DataStreamReader assumes parquet file format by default that you can change using spark.sql.sources.default property.
hive source format is not supported.

After you have described the streaming pipeline to read datasets from an external streaming data source, you eventually trigger the loading using format-agnostic load or format-specific (e.g. json, csv) operators.

Table 2. DataStreamReader’s Internal Properties (in alphabetical order)
Name Initial Value Description


spark.sql.sources.default property

Source format of datasets in a streaming data source



Optional user-defined schema



Collection of key-value configuration options

Specifying Loading Options — option Method

option(key: String, value: String): DataStreamReader
option(key: String, value: Boolean): DataStreamReader
option(key: String, value: Long): DataStreamReader
option(key: String, value: Double): DataStreamReader

option family of methods specifies additional options to a streaming data source.

There is support for values of String, Boolean, Long, and Double types for user convenience, and internally are converted to String type.

Internally, option sets extraOptions internal property.

You can also set options in bulk using options method. You have to do the type conversion yourself, though.

Creating Streaming Dataset (to Represent Loading Data From Streaming Source) — load Method

load(): DataFrame
load(path: String): DataFrame (1)
  1. Specifies path option before passing the call to parameterless load()


Built-in Formats

json(path: String): DataFrame
csv(path: String): DataFrame
parquet(path: String): DataFrame
text(path: String): DataFrame
textFile(path: String): Dataset[String] (1)
  1. Returns Dataset[String] not DataFrame

DataStreamReader can load streaming datasets from data sources of the following formats:

  • json

  • csv

  • parquet

  • text

The methods simply pass calls to format followed by load(path).

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