StateStoreSaveExec Unary Physical Operator — Saving Streaming State To State Store

StateStoreSaveExec is a unary physical operator that saves a streaming state to a state store with support for streaming watermark.


A unary physical operator (UnaryExecNode) is a physical operator with a single child physical operator.

Read up on UnaryExecNode (and physical operators in general) in The Internals of Spark SQL book.

StateStoreSaveExec is created exclusively when StatefulAggregationStrategy execution planning strategy is requested to plan a streaming aggregation for execution (Aggregate logical operators in the logical plan of a streaming query).

StateStoreSaveExec StatefulAggregationStrategy.png
Figure 1. StateStoreSaveExec and StatefulAggregationStrategy

The optional properties, i.e. the StatefulOperatorStateInfo, the output mode, and the event-time watermark, are initially undefined when StateStoreSaveExec is created. StateStoreSaveExec is updated to hold execution-specific configuration when IncrementalExecution is requested to prepare the logical plan (of a streaming query) for execution (when the state preparation rule is executed).

StateStoreSaveExec IncrementalExecution.png
Figure 2. StateStoreSaveExec and IncrementalExecution
Unlike StateStoreRestoreExec operator, StateStoreSaveExec takes output mode and event time watermark when created.

When executed, StateStoreSaveExec creates a StateStoreRDD to map over partitions with storeUpdateFunction that manages the StateStore.

StateStoreSaveExec StateStoreRDD.png
Figure 3. StateStoreSaveExec creates StateStoreRDD
StateStoreSaveExec StateStoreRDD count.png
Figure 4. StateStoreSaveExec and StateStoreRDD (after streamingBatch.toRdd.count)

The number of partitions of StateStoreRDD (and hence the number of Spark tasks) is what was defined for the child physical plan.

There will be that many StateStores as there are partitions in StateStoreRDD.

StateStoreSaveExec behaves differently per output mode.

When executed, StateStoreSaveExec executes the child physical operator and creates a StateStoreRDD (with storeUpdateFunction specific to the output mode).

The output schema of StateStoreSaveExec is exactly the child's output schema.

The output partitioning of StateStoreSaveExec is exactly the child's output partitioning.

StateStoreRestoreExec uses a StreamingAggregationStateManager (that is created for the keyExpressions, the output of the child physical operator and the stateFormatVersion).


Enable ALL logging level for org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StateStoreSaveExec to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/

Refer to Logging.

Performance Metrics (SQLMetrics)

StateStoreSaveExec uses the performance metrics as other stateful physical operators that write to a state store.

StateStoreSaveExec webui query details.png
Figure 5. StateStoreSaveExec in web UI (Details for Query)

The following table shows how the performance metrics are computed (and so their exact meaning).

Name (in web UI) Description

total time to update rows

Time taken to read the input rows and store them in a state store (possibly filtering out expired rows per watermarkPredicateForData predicate)

The number of rows stored is the number of updated state rows metric

total time to remove rows

time to commit changes

number of output rows

number of total state rows

Number of entries in a state store at the very end of executing the StateStoreSaveExec operator (aka numTotalStateRows)

Corresponds to numRowsTotal attribute in stateOperators in StreamingQueryProgress (and is available as sq.lastProgress.stateOperators for an operator).

number of updated state rows

Number of the entries that were stored as updates in a state store in a trigger and for the keys in the result rows of the upstream physical operator (aka numUpdatedStateRows)

Corresponds to numRowsUpdated attribute in stateOperators in StreamingQueryProgress (and is available as sq.lastProgress.stateOperators for an operator).

memory used by state

Estimated memory used by a StateStore (aka stateMemory) after StateStoreSaveExec finished execution (per the StateStoreMetrics of the StateStore)

Creating StateStoreSaveExec Instance

StateStoreSaveExec takes the following to be created:

Executing Physical Operator (Generating RDD[InternalRow]) — doExecute Method

doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow]
doExecute is part of SparkPlan Contract to generate the runtime representation of an physical operator as a distributed computation over internal binary rows on Apache Spark (i.e. RDD[InternalRow]).

Internally, doExecute initializes metrics.

doExecute requires that the optional outputMode is at this point defined (that should have happened when IncrementalExecution had prepared a streaming aggregation for execution).

doExecute executes child physical operator and creates a StateStoreRDD with storeUpdateFunction that:

  1. Generates an unsafe projection to access the key field (using keyExpressions and the output schema of child).

  2. Branches off per output mode: Append, Complete and Update.

doExecute throws an UnsupportedOperationException when executed with an invalid output mode:

Invalid output mode: [outputMode]

Append Output Mode

Append is the default output mode when not specified explicitly.
Append output mode requires that a streaming query defines event-time watermark (e.g. using withWatermark operator) on the event-time column that is used in aggregation (directly or using window standard function).

For Append output mode, doExecute does the following:

  1. Finds late (aggregate) rows from child physical operator (that have expired per watermark)

  2. Stores the late rows in the state store and increments the numUpdatedStateRows metric

  3. Gets all the added (late) rows from the state store

  4. Creates an iterator that removes the late rows from the state store when requested the next row and in the end commits the state updates

Refer to Demo: Streaming Watermark with Aggregation in Append Output Mode for an example of StateStoreSaveExec with Append output mode.
FIXME When is "Filtering state store on:" printed out?

  1. Uses watermarkPredicateForData predicate to exclude matching rows and (like in Complete output mode) stores all the remaining rows in StateStore.

  2. (like in Complete output mode) While storing the rows, increments numUpdatedStateRows metric (for every row) and records the total time in allUpdatesTimeMs metric.

  3. Takes all the rows from StateStore and returns a NextIterator that:

Complete Output Mode

For Complete output mode, doExecute does the following:

  1. Takes all UnsafeRow rows (from the parent iterator)

  2. Stores the rows by key in the state store eagerly (i.e. all rows that are available in the parent iterator before proceeding)

  3. Commits the state updates

  4. In the end, reads the key-row pairs from the state store and passes the rows along (i.e. to the following physical operator)

The number of keys stored in the state store is recorded in numUpdatedStateRows metric.

In Complete output mode the numOutputRows metric is exactly the numTotalStateRows metric.
Refer to Demo: StateStoreSaveExec with Complete Output Mode for an example of StateStoreSaveExec with Complete output mode.

  1. Stores all rows (as UnsafeRow) in StateStore.

  2. While storing the rows, increments numUpdatedStateRows metric (for every row) and records the total time in allUpdatesTimeMs metric.

  3. Records 0 in allRemovalsTimeMs metric.

  4. Commits the state updates to StateStore and records the time in commitTimeMs metric.

  5. Records StateStore metrics.

  6. In the end, takes all the rows stored in StateStore and increments numOutputRows metric.

Update Output Mode

For Update output mode, doExecute returns an iterator that filters out late aggregate rows (per watermark if defined) and stores the "young" rows in the state store (one by one, i.e. every next).

With no more rows available, that removes the late rows from the state store (all at once) and commits the state updates.

Refer to Demo: StateStoreSaveExec with Update Output Mode for an example of StateStoreSaveExec with Update output mode.

doExecute returns Iterator of rows that uses watermarkPredicateForData predicate to filter out late rows.

In hasNext, when rows are no longer available:

  1. Records the total time to iterate over all the rows in allUpdatesTimeMs metric.

  2. removeKeysOlderThanWatermark and records the time in allRemovalsTimeMs metric.

  3. Commits the updates to StateStore and records the time in commitTimeMs metric.

  4. Records StateStore metrics.

In next, stores a row in StateStore and increments numOutputRows and numUpdatedStateRows metrics.

Checking Out Whether Last Batch Execution Requires Another Non-Data Batch or Not — shouldRunAnotherBatch Method

  newMetadata: OffsetSeqMetadata): Boolean
shouldRunAnotherBatch is part of the StateStoreWriter Contract to indicate whether MicroBatchExecution should run another non-data batch (based on the updated OffsetSeqMetadata with the current event-time watermark and the batch timestamp).

shouldRunAnotherBatch is positive (true) when all of the following are met:

Otherwise, shouldRunAnotherBatch is negative (false).

results matching ""

    No results matching ""