
ProcessorGraphNode is a graph node for stateless operators in KStreamImpl and KTableImpl.

When requested to writeToTopology, ProcessorGraphNode simply requests the given InternalTopologyBuilder to add a processor (with the name and the ProcessorSupplier as defined by the given ProcessorParameters).

ProcessorGraphNode is created when:

ProcessorGraphNode takes the following to be created:

  • Node name

  • ProcessorParameters<K, V>

  • repartitionRequired flag (default: false)

writeToTopology Method

void writeToTopology(final InternalTopologyBuilder topologyBuilder)
writeToTopology is part of the StreamsGraphNode Contract to…​FIXME.

writeToTopology requests the given InternalTopologyBuilder to add a processor with the name and the ProcessorSupplier as defined by the given ProcessorParameters.

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