WindowedSerdes — SessionWindowedSerde and TimeWindowedSerde

WindowedSerdes is a class that acts as a namespace for two static classes:

  • SessionWindowedSerde for session-windowed aggregations

  • TimeWindowedSerde for time-windowed aggregation

WindowedSerdes also defines two factory methods to create instances of TimeWindowedSerde and SessionWindowedSerde for the specified inner class type.

Table 1. WindowedSerdes’s Factory Methods
Method Description


Serde<Windowed<T>> sessionWindowedSerdeFrom(
  final Class<T> type)


Serde<Windowed<T>> timeWindowedSerdeFrom(
  final Class<T> type)

Scala API for Kafka Streams

Serdes object defines the following implicit conversions to create instances of TimeWindowedSerde and SessionWindowedSerde (without an explicit inner class type):

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