Except Logical Operator

Except is a binary logical operator that represents the following high-level operators in a logical plan:

Except is supposed to be resolved (optimized) to other logical commands at logical optimization phase (i.e. Except should not be part of a logical plan after logical optimization). BasicOperators execution planning strategy throws an IllegalStateException if conversions did not happen.

Table 1. Except’s Logical Resolutions (Conversions)
Target Logical Operators Optimization Rules and Demos

Left-Anti Join

Except (DISTINCT) in ReplaceExceptWithAntiJoin logical optimization rule

Consult Demo: Except Operator Replaced with Left-Anti Join


Except (DISTINCT) in ReplaceExceptWithFilter logical optimization rule

Consult Demo: Except Operator Replaced with Filter Operator

Union, Aggregate and Generate

Except (ALL) in RewriteExceptAll logical optimization rule

Consult Demo: Except (All) Operator Replaced with Union, Aggregate and Generate Operators

The types of the left and right logical (sub)operators can be widen in WidenSetOperationTypes logical analysis type-coercion rule.

Creating Except Instance

Except takes the following to be created:

Catalyst DSL — except Operator

  otherPlan: LogicalPlan,
  isAll: Boolean): LogicalPlan

Catalyst DSL defines except extension method to create an Except logical operator, e.g. for testing or Spark SQL internals exploration.

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.dsl.plans._
val plan = table("a").except(table("b"), isAll = false)
scala> println(plan.numberedTreeString)
00 'Except false
01 :- 'UnresolvedRelation `a`
02 +- 'UnresolvedRelation `b`

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Except
val op = plan.p(0)

Except Only on Relations with Same Number of Columns

Except logical operator can only be performed on tables with the same number of columns.

scala> left.except(right)
org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Except can only be performed on tables with the same number of columns, but the first table has 3 columns and the second table has 4 columns;;
'Except false
:- SubqueryAlias `default`.`except_left`
:  +- Relation[id#16,name#17,triple#18] parquet
+- SubqueryAlias `default`.`except_right`
   +- Relation[id#181,name#182,triple#183,extra_column#184] parquet

  at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis.failAnalysis(CheckAnalysis.scala:43)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis.failAnalysis$(CheckAnalysis.scala:42)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.Analyzer.failAnalysis(Analyzer.scala:95)
  at org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.CheckAnalysis.$anonfun$checkAnalysis$16(CheckAnalysis.scala:288)

Demo: Except Operator Replaced with Left-Anti Join

Seq((0, "zero", "000"), (1, "one", "111"))
  .toDF("id", "name", "triple")
val left = spark.table("except_left")

// The number of rows differ
Seq((1, "one", "111"))
  .toDF("id", "name", "triple")
val right = spark.table("except_right")

val q = left.except(right)

// SELECT a1, a2 FROM Tab1 EXCEPT SELECT b1, b2 FROM Tab2
// ==>  SELECT DISTINCT a1, a2 FROM Tab1 LEFT ANTI JOIN Tab2 ON a1<=>b1 AND a2<=>b2

// Note the use of <=> null-safe comparison operator
scala> println(q.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.numberedTreeString)
00 Aggregate [id#16, name#17, triple#18], [id#16, name#17, triple#18]
01 +- Join LeftAnti, (((id#16 <=> id#209) && (name#17 <=> name#210)) && (triple#18 <=> triple#211))
02    :- Relation[id#16,name#17,triple#18] parquet
03    +- Relation[id#209,name#210,triple#211] parquet

Demo: Except Operator Replaced with Filter Operator

Seq((0, "zero", "000"), (1, "one", "111"))
  .toDF("id", "name", "triple")
val t1 = spark.table("except_left")

val left = t1.where(length($"name") > 3)
val right = t1.where($"id" > 0)

// SELECT a1, a2 FROM Tab1 WHERE a2 = 12 EXCEPT SELECT a1, a2 FROM Tab1 WHERE a1 = 5
val q = left.except(right)

scala> println(q.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.numberedTreeString)
00 Aggregate [id#16, name#17, triple#18], [id#16, name#17, triple#18]
01 +- Filter ((length(name#17) = 3) && NOT coalesce((id#16 = 0), false))
02    +- Relation[id#16,name#17,triple#18] parquet

Demo: Except (All) Operator Replaced with Union, Aggregate and Generate Operators

Seq((0, "zero", "000"), (1, "one", "111"))
  .toDF("id", "name", "triple")
val left = spark.table("except_left")

// The number of rows differ
Seq((1, "one", "111"))
  .toDF("id", "name", "triple")
val right = spark.table("except_right")

val q = left.exceptAll(right)

scala> println(q.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.numberedTreeString)
00 Project [id#16, name#17, triple#18]
01 +- Generate replicaterows(sum#227L, id#16, name#17, triple#18), [3], false, [id#16, name#17, triple#18]
02    +- Filter (isnotnull(sum#227L) && (sum#227L > 0))
03       +- Aggregate [id#16, name#17, triple#18], [id#16, name#17, triple#18, sum(vcol#224L) AS sum#227L]
04          +- Union
05             :- Project [1 AS vcol#224L, id#16, name#17, triple#18]
06             :  +- Relation[id#16,name#17,triple#18] parquet
07             +- Project [-1 AS vcol#225L, id#209, name#210, triple#211]
08                +- Relation[id#209,name#210,triple#211] parquet

results matching ""

    No results matching ""