kafka-dump-log.sh Shell Script

kafka-dump-log.sh is a shell script to launch kafka.tools.DumpLogSegments standalone application for sanity check of log files and printing contents out to the console.

When executed with no options, kafka-dump-log.sh assumes --help.

$ ./bin/kafka-dump-log.sh
This tool helps to parse a log file and dump its contents to the console, useful for debugging a seemingly corrupt log segment.
Option                               Description
------                               -----------
--deep-iteration                     if set, uses deep instead of shallow
                                       iteration. Automatically set if print-
                                       data-log is enabled.
--files <String: file1, file2, ...>  REQUIRED: The comma separated list of data
                                       and index log files to be dumped.
--help                               Print usage information.
--index-sanity-check                 if set, just checks the index sanity
                                       without printing its content. This is
                                       the same check that is executed on
                                       broker startup to determine if an index
                                       needs rebuilding or not.
--key-decoder-class [String]         if set, used to deserialize the keys. This
                                       class should implement kafka.serializer.
                                       Decoder trait. Custom jar should be
                                       available in kafka/libs directory.
                                       (default: kafka.serializer.StringDecoder)
--max-message-size <Integer: size>   Size of largest message. (default: 5242880)
--offsets-decoder                    if set, log data will be parsed as offset
                                       data from the __consumer_offsets topic.
--print-data-log                     if set, printing the messages content when
                                       dumping data logs. Automatically set if
                                       any decoder option is specified.
--transaction-log-decoder            if set, log data will be parsed as
                                       transaction metadata from the
                                       __transaction_state topic.
--value-decoder-class [String]       if set, used to deserialize the messages.
                                       This class should implement kafka.
                                       serializer.Decoder trait. Custom jar
                                       should be available in kafka/libs
                                       directory. (default: kafka.serializer.
--verify-index-only                  if set, just verify the index log without
                                       printing its content.
--version                            Display Kafka version.

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    No results matching ""