
DynamicConnectionQuota is a BrokerReconfigurable for the following dynamic configurations:

DynamicConnectionQuota is created exclusively when DynamicBrokerConfig is requested to addReconfigurables (when KafkaServer is requested to start up).

DynamicConnectionQuota takes a single KafkaServer to be created.

Reconfiguring — reconfigure Method

  oldConfig: KafkaConfig,
  newConfig: KafkaConfig): Unit
reconfigure is part of the BrokerReconfigurable Contract to change (reconfigure) the value of a Kafka dynamic configuration.

reconfigure requests the KafkaServer for the SocketServer that is in turn requested to updateMaxConnectionsPerIpOverride with the new value of max.connections.per.ip.overrides.

If the values of the current and the new max.connections.per.ip are different, reconfigure requests the KafkaServer for the SocketServer that is in turn requested to updateMaxConnectionsPerIp with the new value.

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