
BrokerConfigHandler is a ConfigHandler that can process configuration changes for brokers entity type.

BrokerConfigHandler is created exclusively when KafkaServer is requested to start up (to create a DynamicConfigManager).

BrokerConfigHandler takes the following to be created:

When requested to process configuration changes (for all brokers or the current one), BrokerConfigHandler simply propagates the changes to the DynamicBrokerConfig (of the KafkaConfig).

Processing Configuration Changes — processConfigChanges Method

  brokerId: String,
  properties: Properties): Unit
processConfigChanges is part of the ConfigHandler Contract to process configuration changes.

processConfigChanges branches off per the given brokerId.

All Brokers

For changes to all brokers (i.e. brokerId is <default>), processConfigChanges requests the KafkaConfig for the DynamicBrokerConfig that is in turn requested to updateDefaultConfig (with the Properties).

Current Broker

For changes to the current broker (i.e. brokerId is exactly brokerId), processConfigChanges requests the KafkaConfig for the DynamicBrokerConfig that is in turn requested to updateBrokerConfig (with the brokerId and the Properties).

processConfigChanges requests the QuotaManagers for the leader ReplicationQuotaManager that is in turn requested to updateQuota.

processConfigChanges requests the QuotaManagers for the follower ReplicationQuotaManager that is in turn requested to updateQuota.

processConfigChanges requests the QuotaManagers for the alterLogDirs ReplicationQuotaManager that is in turn requested to updateQuota.

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