web UI and Streaming Statistics Page

When you start a Spark Streaming application, you can use web UI to monitor streaming statistics in Streaming tab (aka page).

spark streaming webui streaming tab.png
Figure 1. Streaming Tab in web UI
The number of completed batches to retain to compute statistics upon is controlled by spark.streaming.ui.retainedBatches (and defaults to 1000).

The page is made up of three sections (aka tables) - the unnamed, top-level one with basic information about the streaming application (right below the title Streaming Statistics), Active Batches and Completed Batches.

The Streaming page uses StreamingJobProgressListener for most of the information displayed.

Basic Information

Basic Information section is the top-level section in the Streaming page that offers basic information about the streaming application.

spark streaming webui streaming statistics.png
Figure 2. Basic Information section in Streaming Page (with Receivers)

The section shows the batch duration (in Running batches of [batch duration]), and the time it runs for and since StreamingContext was created (not when this streaming application has been started!).

It shows the number of all completed batches (for the entire period since the StreamingContext was started) and received records (in parenthesis). These information are later displayed in detail in Active Batches and Completed Batches sections.

Below is the table for retained batches (i.e. waiting, running, and completed batches).

In Input Rate row, you can show and hide details of each input stream.

If there are input streams with receivers, the numbers of all the receivers and active ones are displayed (as depicted in the Figure 2 above).

The average event rate for all registered streams is displayed (as Avg: [avg] events/sec).

Scheduling Delay

spark streaming webui streaming page scheduling delay.png
Figure 3. Scheduling Delay in Streaming Page

It should be as low as possible meaning that the streaming jobs in batches are scheduled almost instantly.

The values in the timeline (the first column) depict the time between the events StreamingListenerBatchSubmitted and StreamingListenerBatchStarted (with minor yet additional delays to deliver the events).

You may see increase in scheduling delay in the timeline when streaming jobs are queued up as in the following example:

// batch duration = 5 seconds
val messages: InputDStream[(String, String)] = ...
messages.foreachRDD { rdd =>
  println(">>> Taking a 15-second sleep")
spark streaming webui scheduling delay increase.png
Figure 4. Scheduling Delay Increased in Streaming Page

Processing Time

Processing Time is the time spent to complete all the streaming jobs of a batch.

spark streaming batch processing time.png
Figure 5. Batch Processing Time and Batch Intervals

Total Delay

Total Delay is the time spent from submitting to complete all jobs of a batch.

Active Batches

Active Batches section presents waitingBatches and runningBatches together.

Completed Batches

Completed Batches section presents retained completed batches (using completedBatchUIData).

The number of retained batches is controlled by spark.streaming.ui.retainedBatches.
spark streaming webui completed batches.png
Figure 6. Completed Batches (limited to 5 elements only)

Example - Kafka Direct Stream in web UI

spark streaming webui streaming tab kafka directstream two batches.png
Figure 7. Two Batches with Incoming Data inside for Kafka Direct Stream in web UI (Streaming tab)
spark streaming webui kafka directinputstream two jobs.png
Figure 8. Two Jobs for Kafka Direct Stream in web UI (Jobs tab)

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