Demo: Streaming Watermark with Aggregation in Append Output Mode

The following demo shows the behaviour and the internals of streaming watermark with a streaming aggregation in Append output mode.

The demo also shows the behaviour and the internals of StateStoreSaveExec physical operator in Append output mode.

The below code is part of StreamingAggregationAppendMode streaming application.
// Reduce the number of partitions and hence the state stores
// That is supposed to make debugging state checkpointing easier
val numShufflePartitions = 1
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf.SHUFFLE_PARTITIONS
spark.sessionState.conf.setConf(SHUFFLE_PARTITIONS, numShufflePartitions)
assert(spark.sessionState.conf.numShufflePartitions == numShufflePartitions)

// Define event "format"
// Use :paste mode in spark-shell
import java.sql.Timestamp
case class Event(time: Timestamp, value: Long, batch: Long)
import scala.concurrent.duration._
object Event {
  def apply(secs: Long, value: Long, batch: Long): Event = {
    Event(new Timestamp(secs.seconds.toMillis), value, batch)

// Using memory data source for full control of the input
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.MemoryStream
implicit val sqlCtx = spark.sqlContext
val events = MemoryStream[Event]
val values = events.toDS
assert(values.isStreaming, "values must be a streaming Dataset")

 |-- time: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- value: long (nullable = false)
 |-- batch: long (nullable = false)

// Streaming aggregation using groupBy operator to demo StateStoreSaveExec operator
// Define required watermark for late events for Append output mode

import scala.concurrent.duration._
val delayThreshold = 10.seconds
val eventTime = "time"

val valuesWatermarked = values
  .withWatermark(eventTime, delayThreshold.toString) // defines watermark (before groupBy!)

// EventTimeWatermark logical operator is planned as EventTimeWatermarkExec physical operator
// Note that as a physical operator EventTimeWatermarkExec shows itself without the Exec suffix
== Physical Plan ==
EventTimeWatermark time#3: timestamp, interval 10 seconds
+- StreamingRelation MemoryStream[time#3,value#4L,batch#5L], [time#3, value#4L, batch#5L]

val windowDuration = 5.seconds
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.window
val countsPer5secWindow = valuesWatermarked
  .groupBy(window(col(eventTime), windowDuration.toString) as "sliding_window")
  .agg(collect_list("batch") as "batches", collect_list("value") as "values")

 |-- sliding_window: struct (nullable = false)
 |    |-- start: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |    |-- end: timestamp (nullable = true)
 |-- batches: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: long (containsNull = true)
 |-- values: array (nullable = true)
 |    |-- element: long (containsNull = true)

// valuesPerGroupWindowed is a streaming Dataset with just one source
// It knows nothing about output mode or watermark yet
// That's why StatefulOperatorStateInfo is generic
// and no batch-specific values are printed out
// That will be available after the first streaming batch
// Use sq.explain to know the runtime-specific values
== Physical Plan ==
ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#23-T10000ms], functions=[collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
+- StateStoreSave [window#23-T10000ms], state info [ checkpoint = <unknown>, runId = 50e62943-fe5d-4a02-8498-7134ecbf5122, opId = 0, ver = 0, numPartitions = 1], Append, 0, 2
   +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#23-T10000ms], functions=[merge_collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), merge_collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
      +- StateStoreRestore [window#23-T10000ms], state info [ checkpoint = <unknown>, runId = 50e62943-fe5d-4a02-8498-7134ecbf5122, opId = 0, ver = 0, numPartitions = 1], 2
         +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#23-T10000ms], functions=[merge_collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), merge_collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
            +- Exchange hashpartitioning(window#23-T10000ms, 1)
               +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#23-T10000ms], functions=[partial_collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), partial_collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
                  +- *(1) Project [named_struct(start, precisetimestampconversion(((((CASE WHEN (cast(CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) as double) = (cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) THEN (CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) + 1) ELSE CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) END + 0) - 1) * 5000000) + 0), LongType, TimestampType), end, precisetimestampconversion(((((CASE WHEN (cast(CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) as double) = (cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) THEN (CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) + 1) ELSE CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) END + 0) - 1) * 5000000) + 5000000), LongType, TimestampType)) AS window#23-T10000ms, value#4L, batch#5L]
                     +- *(1) Filter isnotnull(time#3-T10000ms)
                        +- EventTimeWatermark time#3: timestamp, interval 10 seconds
                           +- StreamingRelation MemoryStream[time#3,value#4L,batch#5L], [time#3, value#4L, batch#5L]

val queryName = "watermark_demo"
val checkpointLocation = s"/tmp/checkpoint-$queryName"

// Delete the checkpoint location from previous executions
import java.nio.file.{Files, FileSystems}
import java.util.Comparator
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val path = FileSystems.getDefault.getPath(checkpointLocation)
if (Files.exists(path)) {
    .foreach(p => p.toFile.delete)

// FIXME Use foreachBatch for batchId and the output Dataset
// Start the query and hence StateStoreSaveExec
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.OutputMode
val streamingQuery = countsPer5secWindow
  .option("checkpointLocation", checkpointLocation)
  .outputMode(OutputMode.Append) // <-- Use Append output mode

assert(streamingQuery.status.message == "Waiting for data to arrive")

type Millis = Long
def toMillis(datetime: String): Millis = {
  import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
  import java.time.LocalDateTime
  import java.time.ZoneOffset
    .parse(datetime, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)

// Use web UI to monitor the state of state (no pun intended)
// StateStoreSave and StateStoreRestore operators all have state metrics
// Go to http://localhost:4040/SQL/ and click one of the Completed Queries with Job IDs

// You may also want to check out checkpointed state
// in /tmp/checkpoint-watermark_demo/state/0/0

// The demo is aimed to show the following:
// 1. The current watermark
// 2. Check out the stats:
// - expired state (below the current watermark, goes to output and purged later)
// - late state (dropped as if never received and processed)
// - saved state rows (above the current watermark)

val batch = Seq(
  Event(1,  1, batch = 1),
  Event(15, 2, batch = 1))

  "numRowsTotal" : 1,
  "numRowsUpdated" : 0,
  "memoryUsedBytes" : 1102,
  "customMetrics" : {
    "loadedMapCacheHitCount" : 2,
    "loadedMapCacheMissCount" : 0,
    "stateOnCurrentVersionSizeBytes" : 414

val currentWatermark = streamingQuery.lastProgress.eventTime.get("watermark")
val currentWatermarkMs = toMillis(currentWatermark)

val maxTime = batch.maxBy(_.time.toInstant.toEpochMilli).time.toInstant.toEpochMilli.millis.toSeconds
val expectedMaxTime = 15
assert(maxTime == expectedMaxTime, s"Maximum time across events per batch is $maxTime, but should be $expectedMaxTime")

val expectedWatermarkMs = 5.seconds.toMillis
assert(currentWatermarkMs == expectedWatermarkMs, s"Current event-time watermark is $currentWatermarkMs, but should be $expectedWatermarkMs (maximum event time ${maxTime.seconds.toMillis} minus delayThreshold ${delayThreshold.toMillis})")

// FIXME Saved State Rows
// Use the metrics of the StateStoreSave operator
// Or simply streamingQuery.lastProgress.stateOperators.head
spark.table(queryName).orderBy("sliding_window").show(truncate = false)
|sliding_window                            |batches|values|
|[1970-01-01 01:00:00, 1970-01-01 01:00:05]|[1]    |[1]   |

// With at least one execution we can review the execution plan
scala> streamingQuery.explain
== Physical Plan ==
ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#18-T10000ms], functions=[collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
+- StateStoreSave [window#18-T10000ms], state info [ checkpoint = file:/tmp/checkpoint-watermark_demo/state, runId = 73bb0ede-20f2-400d-8003-aa2fbebdd2e1, opId = 0, ver = 1, numPartitions = 1], Append, 5000, 2
   +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#18-T10000ms], functions=[merge_collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), merge_collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
      +- StateStoreRestore [window#18-T10000ms], state info [ checkpoint = file:/tmp/checkpoint-watermark_demo/state, runId = 73bb0ede-20f2-400d-8003-aa2fbebdd2e1, opId = 0, ver = 1, numPartitions = 1], 2
         +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#18-T10000ms], functions=[merge_collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), merge_collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
            +- Exchange hashpartitioning(window#18-T10000ms, 1)
               +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[window#18-T10000ms], functions=[partial_collect_list(batch#5L, 0, 0), partial_collect_list(value#4L, 0, 0)])
                  +- *(1) Project [named_struct(start, precisetimestampconversion(((((CASE WHEN (cast(CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) as double) = (cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) THEN (CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) + 1) ELSE CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) END + 0) - 1) * 5000000) + 0), LongType, TimestampType), end, precisetimestampconversion(((((CASE WHEN (cast(CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) as double) = (cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) THEN (CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) + 1) ELSE CEIL((cast((precisetimestampconversion(time#3-T10000ms, TimestampType, LongType) - 0) as double) / 5000000.0)) END + 0) - 1) * 5000000) + 5000000), LongType, TimestampType)) AS window#18-T10000ms, value#4L, batch#5L]
                     +- *(1) Filter isnotnull(time#3-T10000ms)
                        +- EventTimeWatermark time#3: timestamp, interval 10 seconds
                           +- LocalTableScan <empty>, [time#3, value#4L, batch#5L]

import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamingQueryWrapper
val engine = streamingQuery
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution

val lastMicroBatch = engine.lastExecution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.IncrementalExecution

// Access executedPlan that is the optimized physical query plan ready for execution
// All streaming optimizations have been applied at this point
// We just need the EventTimeWatermarkExec physical operator
val plan = lastMicroBatch.executedPlan

// Let's find the EventTimeWatermarkExec physical operator in the plan
// There should be one only
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeWatermarkExec
val watermarkOp = plan.collect { case op: EventTimeWatermarkExec => op }.head

// Let's check out the event-time watermark stats
// They correspond to the concrete EventTimeWatermarkExec operator for a micro-batch
val stats = watermarkOp.eventTimeStats.value
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeStats


val batch = Seq(
  Event(1,  1, batch = 2),
  Event(15, 2, batch = 2),
  Event(35, 3, batch = 2))

val currentWatermark = streamingQuery.lastProgress.eventTime.get("watermark")
val currentWatermarkMs = toMillis(currentWatermark)

val maxTime = batch.maxBy(_.time.toInstant.toEpochMilli).time.toInstant.toEpochMilli.millis.toSeconds
val expectedMaxTime = 35
assert(maxTime == expectedMaxTime, s"Maximum time across events per batch is $maxTime, but should be $expectedMaxTime")

val expectedWatermarkMs = 25.seconds.toMillis
assert(currentWatermarkMs == expectedWatermarkMs, s"Current event-time watermark is $currentWatermarkMs, but should be $expectedWatermarkMs (maximum event time ${maxTime.seconds.toMillis} minus delayThreshold ${delayThreshold.toMillis})")

// FIXME Expired State
// FIXME Late Events
// FIXME Saved State Rows
spark.table(queryName).orderBy("sliding_window").show(truncate = false)
|sliding_window                            |batches|values|
|[1970-01-01 01:00:00, 1970-01-01 01:00:05]|[1]    |[1]   |
|[1970-01-01 01:00:15, 1970-01-01 01:00:20]|[1, 2] |[2, 2]|

// Check out the event-time watermark stats
val plan = engine.lastExecution.executedPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeWatermarkExec
val watermarkOp = plan.collect { case op: EventTimeWatermarkExec => op }.head
val stats = watermarkOp.eventTimeStats.value
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeStats


val batch = Seq(
  Event(15,1, batch = 3),
  Event(15,2, batch = 3),
  Event(20,3, batch = 3),
  Event(26,4, batch = 3))

val currentWatermark = streamingQuery.lastProgress.eventTime.get("watermark")
val currentWatermarkMs = toMillis(currentWatermark)

val maxTime = batch.maxBy(_.time.toInstant.toEpochMilli).time.toInstant.toEpochMilli.millis.toSeconds
val expectedMaxTime = 26
assert(maxTime == expectedMaxTime, s"Maximum time across events per batch is $maxTime, but should be $expectedMaxTime")

// Current event-time watermark should be the same as previously
// val expectedWatermarkMs = 25.seconds.toMillis
// The current max time is merely 26 so subtracting delayThreshold gives merely 16
assert(currentWatermarkMs == expectedWatermarkMs, s"Current event-time watermark is $currentWatermarkMs, but should be $expectedWatermarkMs (maximum event time ${maxTime.seconds.toMillis} minus delayThreshold ${delayThreshold.toMillis})")

// FIXME Expired State
// FIXME Late Events
// FIXME Saved State Rows
spark.table(queryName).orderBy("sliding_window").show(truncate = false)
|sliding_window                            |batches|values|
|[1970-01-01 01:00:00, 1970-01-01 01:00:05]|[1]    |[1]   |
|[1970-01-01 01:00:15, 1970-01-01 01:00:20]|[1, 2] |[2, 2]|

// Check out the event-time watermark stats
val plan = engine.lastExecution.executedPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeWatermarkExec
val watermarkOp = plan.collect { case op: EventTimeWatermarkExec => op }.head
val stats = watermarkOp.eventTimeStats.value
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeStats


val batch = Seq(
  Event(36, 1, batch = 4))

val currentWatermark = streamingQuery.lastProgress.eventTime.get("watermark")
val currentWatermarkMs = toMillis(currentWatermark)

val maxTime = batch.maxBy(_.time.toInstant.toEpochMilli).time.toInstant.toEpochMilli.millis.toSeconds
val expectedMaxTime = 36
assert(maxTime == expectedMaxTime, s"Maximum time across events per batch is $maxTime, but should be $expectedMaxTime")

val expectedWatermarkMs = 26.seconds.toMillis
assert(currentWatermarkMs == expectedWatermarkMs, s"Current event-time watermark is $currentWatermarkMs, but should be $expectedWatermarkMs (maximum event time ${maxTime.seconds.toMillis} minus delayThreshold ${delayThreshold.toMillis})")

// FIXME Expired State
// FIXME Late Events
// FIXME Saved State Rows
spark.table(queryName).orderBy("sliding_window").show(truncate = false)
|sliding_window                            |batches|values|
|[1970-01-01 01:00:00, 1970-01-01 01:00:05]|[1]    |[1]   |
|[1970-01-01 01:00:15, 1970-01-01 01:00:20]|[1, 2] |[2, 2]|

// Check out the event-time watermark stats
val plan = engine.lastExecution.executedPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeWatermarkExec
val watermarkOp = plan.collect { case op: EventTimeWatermarkExec => op }.head
val stats = watermarkOp.eventTimeStats.value
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeStats


val batch = Seq(
  Event(50, 1, batch = 5)

val currentWatermark = streamingQuery.lastProgress.eventTime.get("watermark")
val currentWatermarkMs = toMillis(currentWatermark)

val maxTime = batch.maxBy(_.time.toInstant.toEpochMilli).time.toInstant.toEpochMilli.millis.toSeconds
val expectedMaxTime = 50
assert(maxTime == expectedMaxTime, s"Maximum time across events per batch is $maxTime, but should be $expectedMaxTime")

val expectedWatermarkMs = 40.seconds.toMillis
assert(currentWatermarkMs == expectedWatermarkMs, s"Current event-time watermark is $currentWatermarkMs, but should be $expectedWatermarkMs (maximum event time ${maxTime.seconds.toMillis} minus delayThreshold ${delayThreshold.toMillis})")

// FIXME Expired State
// FIXME Late Events
// FIXME Saved State Rows
spark.table(queryName).orderBy("sliding_window").show(truncate = false)
|sliding_window                            |batches|values|
|[1970-01-01 01:00:00, 1970-01-01 01:00:05]|[1]    |[1]   |
|[1970-01-01 01:00:15, 1970-01-01 01:00:20]|[1, 2] |[2, 2]|
|[1970-01-01 01:00:25, 1970-01-01 01:00:30]|[3]    |[4]   |
|[1970-01-01 01:00:35, 1970-01-01 01:00:40]|[2, 4] |[3, 1]|

// Check out the event-time watermark stats
val plan = engine.lastExecution.executedPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeWatermarkExec
val watermarkOp = plan.collect { case op: EventTimeWatermarkExec => op }.head
val stats = watermarkOp.eventTimeStats.value
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.EventTimeStats


// Eventually...

results matching ""

    No results matching ""