
TableProcessorNode is a concrete StreamsGraphNode that is created when KTableImpl is requested to doFilter, doMapValues, and doTransformValues.

In other words, TableProcessorNode represents KTableImpl.filter, KTableImpl.filterNot, KTableImpl.mapValues, and KTableImpl.transformValues operators.

Creating TableProcessorNode Instance

TableProcessorNode takes the following to be created:

Names of state stores can only be specified when TableProcessorNode is created when KTableImpl is requested to doTransformValues (when requested to transformValues).

writeToTopology Method

void writeToTopology(
  InternalTopologyBuilder topologyBuilder)
writeToTopology is part of the StreamsGraphNode Contract to…​FIXME.

writeToTopology requests the given InternalTopologyBuilder to add a processor (with the processorName and processorSupplier of the given ProcessorParameters).

writeToTopology requests the given InternalTopologyBuilder to connect the processor with the state stores if there are any store names specified.

writeToTopology requests the given InternalTopologyBuilder to add a state store if a StoreBuilder is specified.

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